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World’s Most Expensive French Fries Unveiled

INTERNATIONAL: While we all try our best to eat healthily, who wouldn’t admit to enjoying a plate of cheesy fries? But I think we’d all think twice about paying $200 for them. That’s what the Guinness World Records says the world’s most expensive French fries cost, and you’ll find the “Crème de la Crème Pommes Frites” at New York’s Serendipity 3 restaurant. But just exactly how do you make the world’s most expensive fries?

First, you blanche only the world’s finest potatoes in Dom Perignon and a French champagne vinegar. You then fry the fries – not once, not twice, but three times and don’t even think about using regular cooking oil. These are fried in goose fat. The cooked fries are then seasoned with Guerande truffle salt and Urbani summer truffle oil. They’re then topped with shaved Black Summer Truffles all the way from Italy.

The cheesy dip they’re served with is actually a Mornay sauce, made with organic Udder cream, black truffle butter and gruyere truffled Swiss raclette. The dish is topped off with a sprinkling of 23-carat gold dust and served on Baccarat crystal. There is currently an 8-10 week waiting list to sample this side dish, and yes, you read that right. This is a $200 side dish.

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